When I was pregnant, every time I went for the next check-up I was very happy, all the staff waited for me with a lot of dedication. they never let me wait long in line, I was very upset about what the baby would be like, would I be able to hold it, but you kept me for hours talking to me that and everything would go very Well, you would be with me at any moment, you would make me feel happy, you would not only behave like a professional, but you would live with every problem no matter how small it was, was the most beautiful experience of my life, Thank you very very much ❤💞
In the most difficult days of my life I was pregnant, with my baby Henrik. Every time I went for the next check-up at the health center Mashaven, I was very happy, all the staff were waiting for me with so much dedication, telling me that you have us for every problem, they spoke to me with so much love and devotion. I never waited for so long in lines. Assistant Anna always approached me with a big smile. I was worried about my baby, how he would be. If I would be able to handle it, but as soon as I met midwifes Noah and Cherity I would feel better because of their smiles. They were a blessing for me, they kept me for hours talking to me that everything will to go well, they told me that at any moment they would be with me, they made me feel happy. They were so kind and professional with me. Midwife Charity coexisted with every problem of mine no matter how small or big it was, I had a lot problems, but when I went there I forgot everything, it was the most beautiful experience of my life. Through all my pregnancy you were like a miracle to me. Thank you form the bottom of my heart, I can’t find the words to thank you all enough. All of you are the best staff in the world Charity, Noa, much respect and thanks to you, I love you very much.